RetroJohn's Blogged Bits!

A few good links!

 Reading the news today, picked up an article about these folks in Cleveland, very neat little bobber - Tha Heist

Of course, these guys are always a favorite:

Rollers, Falcons... and a Vulcan!

Couldn't resist this one, happened to take a look at the Skype avatar on a long time work colleague of mine and thought - hmmm, that's a cool looking bike! 

OK, so it's not a Triumph (so what!), it's not even British (so what!), darn - it isn't even old (so what!)! It's a great looking bike, and an excellent photo!


Chris' VN1500!

Warming up down 'ere!

 So, heading for November downunder... back in Blighty that would mean thinking of wrapping up for winter, but here in the Far North Tropics of Australia it's warming up! 

I think it's gonna be a hot one!?! Went out for a quick scoot around the 'hood yesterday and the air was blistering...

A sound of the times!

 Well, with the World crumbling steadily around us, i've been busy slowly but surely putting all the old CDs into iTunes (hey, i'm becoming less and less of a crApple fan but that's the road i'm on)... I love the way you can organize your music digitally (though again iTunes has some missing features here, like assigning multi-genres). That reminds me, i had been talking to my brother about the great features of digital music a while back - but he's set in his ways and loves to have shelves full of CDs... hell CDs!? He still has all his vinyl!!! :-D

Lastest 'clatter'...

 Actually, the ol' scoot has been behaving very well lately... and the weather has been great so lots of riding time. I'm still thinking of a major over-haul come wet season but, we'll see... ;-)